Julianna Nicole Julianna Nicole

Embracing & Accepting Anger

In the realm of emotions, anger often bears an unjust label of negativity, a misconception that warrants debunking

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Julianna Nicole Julianna Nicole

Thriving Through Boundaries in Single Parenting

Navigating the intricate web of responsibilities as a single parent often feels like a delicate balancing act, a constant juggle between various roles that demand your time, energy, and emotional presence. It's not just about the tasks themselves…

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Julianna Nicole Julianna Nicole

5 Signs You’re a Married-Single Parent

Being a parent is a full-time job and honestly, it’s a job that was and is designed for two people. Unfortunately, there are many parents who find themselves married, yet feeling like a single parent.

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Julianna Nicole Julianna Nicole

Vampires Are Real

I’ll never forget the day I found out vampires were real.

Yes, you heard me right-VAMPIRES. Don’t believe me? Keep reading.

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Julianna Nicole Julianna Nicole

Happy New Year

As a new year begins, we all tend to reflect on the past year and put labels on it. It was either a good year or a bad year; a successful one or an unsuccessful one. We are all guilty of it; but I have to wonder what compels us to put these labels on a past year

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