My Own Journey

Hi, I’m Julianna—a Jesus-loving, single, and homeschooling mama to 3 beautiful girls, 1 dog, and 6 chickens.

I have an obsession with books and am convinced there is no such thing as having too many and I never turn down a good cup of coffee. I have a passion for homeschooling my children and helping other mama’s navigate life’s challenges through this blog and 1:1 coaching. Whether it’s motherhood, divorce, or difficult transitions: I’m here to support you and promote clarity & peace in your life.

I have been through some unique challenges, all of which have led me to this particular place in my life. I took a vacation from myself for several years, trying on different “hats”, if you will, and learned more than I care to admit through some pretty rough experiences. I married a man I thought was my dream only to find out that love indeed had me seeing him through rose-colored glasses. It took me 10 years, fighting for our marriage, and 3 kids to realize our “marriage” could never work and so sadly, proceeded to divorce him. It was not an amicable divorce and although it was hell to go through; I came out so much stronger and truly look back at that journey as something that shaped me and pushed me to grow in ways I’d never dreamed of. I’m so grateful to God that He brought me through that, and it is by His grace alone that I can navigate solo parenting.

Now, I help moms build unshakeable confidence, rediscover their purpose, and achieve peace.

What Do We Have in Common?

~I am a high introvert, but I’m not shy. I love connecting with people on a deeper level, but I also thoroughly enjoy my quiet time.

~I’m big on natural health remedies and all things essential oils.

~I loooove the beach; fully enjoy motherhood; and I get lost in a good book (totally having one of those amazing, rolling ladders in my house one day).

~My idea of living life to its fullest involves living in harmony with nature and animals, traveling multiple times a year, and being unapologetically-ME.

~I consider our dog a part of the family and sometimes talk to him like he’s human.

“Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Matthew 6:34